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Proposed Bylaws

Dear DC7 Members,

We will be holding a vote on needed changes to DC7 bylaws on Saturday, March 2. A few years ago, I voluntarily asked to have DC7 placed in the que for a compliance audit by the International. I volunteered for the audit because I wanted to make sure we were correctly following all of the DOL and IUPAT policies. The audit results were very good overall for DC7, but there were some recommendations that needed to be addressed ASAP, these are policies that were put in place at the formation of DC7 in 2003 that must be updated now because we are out of compliance with the DOL and the International Constitution. These changes cannot wait until next year which is the normal cycle for our bylaw’s changes. (1) we need to add additional language to the DC7 automobile policy, (2) we need to restructure one of our elected representative positions because membership numbers within those locals fall under the required amount allowed for an elected Business Representative. Changing the structure still allows for someone from one of those locals to be elected and those members to vote on their Business Representative but it is within the structure of another existing local, in any case those locals will not be losing representation, that I can assure you. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me.

Thank you,

Jeff Mehrhoff

The bylaws vote will be conducted at the locations listed below on Saturday, March 2, 2024, from 7:00am - Noon (all times are local).

  • S68W22665 National Ave, Big Bend, WI
  • 5375 King James Way, Fitchburg, WI
  • 2828 Ballard Road, Appleton, WI
  • 707 Clark Drive, Gladstone, MI
  • 59 Copeland Ave, La Crosse, WI
  • 1140 W Anderson Ct, Oak Creek, WI
  • 3030 39th Ave, Kenosha, WI

Members will be asked to present membership cards, mobile member app, dues receipt, driver's license, or some other form of identification at the polls.

The proposed bylaws changes are in red on the below document.

Review 2024 Bylaws Updates