Local Union 579 - Milwaukee
As of June 3rd, there will be changes to the union board. Some current members will assume different positions, while new members will join the board. I would like to express my gratitude to the union for providing me with the opportunity to serve on the board for the past 21 years. A crucial responsibility of a leader is to identify and select a suitable successor. Although I am stepping down from my position as President, I will remain actively involved as a trustee and will assist whenever and wherever the union requires my assistance. I express my gratitude to all the members with whom I have collaborated and worked for the past 23 years, including my tenure as a steward. I have been fortunate to have numerous mentors who have guided me, and I am deeply indebted to them. I will also maintain my involvement with the DC7 and acknowledge my indebtedness to them as well. I would like to express my appreciation to Jeff Mehrhoff for creating opportunities and eliminating obstacles for our local, allowing us to manage our local and demonstrating trust in our abilities. I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to Jenni Neduzak, who continues to represent IUPAT Local 579 and has consistently supported me personally through both good and challenging times. It is essential that we continue to support one another as we move forward. I acknowledge that we have not always reached a consensus on every issue. I want everyone to be aware that I have consistently strived to make the right decisions and prioritize the union's interests above any personal agenda, and I will continue to do so in the future. I would like to cordially invite all members to attend our monthly local union meeting, which will be held on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. at DC7 headquarters. During this meeting, we will stand united as we formally induct the new union board and all elected local positions. It is important to note that all positions have been filled through acclamation, so there will not be an election. Once more, I would like to express my gratitude to all members for the chances I have been granted over the past 23 years. Once more, I would like to express my gratitude to all members for the chances I have been granted over the past 23 years.
In Solidarity,
Matthew Charlier
President IUPAT Local 579
President IUPAT DC7